OK: Found an XML parser.
OK: Support for GZIP encoding.
OK: Support for character munging.

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Example Output

Channel: Tanyain Aja


Parsed Results (var_dump'ed)

object(MagpieRSS)#4 (21) {
  resource(13) of type (Unknown)
  array(0) {
  array(4) {
    array(12) {
      string(71) "Michigan Muslims Navigate Unique Ramadan Challenges Amid Gaza’s Siege"
      string(96) "https://tanyain.my.id/blog/michigan-muslims-navigate-unique-ramadan-challenges-amid-gazas-siege/"
      string(117) "https://tanyain.my.id/blog/michigan-muslims-navigate-unique-ramadan-challenges-amid-gazas-siege/?noamp=mobile#respond"
      array(1) {
        string(8) "sayapada"
      string(31) "Mon, 10 Jun 2024 06:00:00 +0000"
      string(13) "internasional"
      string(96) "https://tanyain.my.id/blog/michigan-muslims-navigate-unique-ramadan-challenges-amid-gazas-siege/"
      string(629) "

In Michigan, Muslims are observing a unique Ramadan amidst the tragedy in Gaza This year, Muslims across the United States are experiencing a more solemn Ramadan as they grapple with the ongoing violence in Gaza. In Dearborn Heights, Michigan, Yasmeen Hamed, a Palestinian American mother of four, has been deeply affected by the images of […]

The post Michigan Muslims Navigate Unique Ramadan Challenges Amid Gaza’s Siege appeared first on Tanyain Aja.

" ["wfw"]=> array(1) { ["commentrss"]=> string(101) "https://tanyain.my.id/blog/michigan-muslims-navigate-unique-ramadan-challenges-amid-gazas-siege/feed/" } ["slash"]=> array(1) { ["comments"]=> string(1) "0" } ["summary"]=> string(629) "

In Michigan, Muslims are observing a unique Ramadan amidst the tragedy in Gaza This year, Muslims across the United States are experiencing a more solemn Ramadan as they grapple with the ongoing violence in Gaza. In Dearborn Heights, Michigan, Yasmeen Hamed, a Palestinian American mother of four, has been deeply affected by the images of […]

The post Michigan Muslims Navigate Unique Ramadan Challenges Amid Gaza’s Siege appeared first on Tanyain Aja.

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1717999200) } [1]=> array(12) { ["title"]=> string(94) "UK’s Cameron and Trump to Advocate for Increased US Aid to Ukraine in Congressional Meetings" ["link"]=> string(119) "https://tanyain.my.id/blog/uks-cameron-and-trump-to-advocate-for-increased-us-aid-to-ukraine-in-congressional-meetings/" ["comments"]=> string(140) "https://tanyain.my.id/blog/uks-cameron-and-trump-to-advocate-for-increased-us-aid-to-ukraine-in-congressional-meetings/?noamp=mobile#respond" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(8) "sayapada" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Sun, 09 Jun 2024 20:54:00 +0000" ["category"]=> string(13) "internasional" ["guid"]=> string(119) "https://tanyain.my.id/blog/uks-cameron-and-trump-to-advocate-for-increased-us-aid-to-ukraine-in-congressional-meetings/" ["description"]=> string(676) "

British Prime Minister David Cameron met with President Donald Trump to discuss the situation in Ukraine and to urge the US Congress to provide aid to the country. Cameron and Trump held talks at the White House, where they discussed various issues, including the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Cameron expressed concern over the situation in […]

The post UK’s Cameron and Trump to Advocate for Increased US Aid to Ukraine in Congressional Meetings appeared first on Tanyain Aja.

" ["wfw"]=> array(1) { ["commentrss"]=> string(124) "https://tanyain.my.id/blog/uks-cameron-and-trump-to-advocate-for-increased-us-aid-to-ukraine-in-congressional-meetings/feed/" } ["slash"]=> array(1) { ["comments"]=> string(1) "0" } ["summary"]=> string(676) "

British Prime Minister David Cameron met with President Donald Trump to discuss the situation in Ukraine and to urge the US Congress to provide aid to the country. Cameron and Trump held talks at the White House, where they discussed various issues, including the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Cameron expressed concern over the situation in […]

The post UK’s Cameron and Trump to Advocate for Increased US Aid to Ukraine in Congressional Meetings appeared first on Tanyain Aja.

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1717966440) } [2]=> array(12) { ["title"]=> string(85) "Nicaragua Calls on ICJ to Stop Germany’s Alleged Support of Israeli Actions in Gaza" ["link"]=> string(110) "https://tanyain.my.id/blog/nicaragua-calls-on-icj-to-stop-germanys-alleged-support-of-israeli-actions-in-gaza/" ["comments"]=> string(131) "https://tanyain.my.id/blog/nicaragua-calls-on-icj-to-stop-germanys-alleged-support-of-israeli-actions-in-gaza/?noamp=mobile#respond" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(8) "sayapada" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Sat, 08 Jun 2024 09:11:00 +0000" ["category"]=> string(13) "internasional" ["guid"]=> string(110) "https://tanyain.my.id/blog/nicaragua-calls-on-icj-to-stop-germanys-alleged-support-of-israeli-actions-in-gaza/" ["description"]=> string(696) "

Nicaragua Calls on International Court of Justice to End Germany’s Support for Israeli Actions in Gaza Nicaragua has taken a bold step by bringing Germany to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for allegedly facilitating what it calls “genocide” against Palestinians in Gaza. The Central American nation accused Germany of providing military aid to Israel […]

The post Nicaragua Calls on ICJ to Stop Germany’s Alleged Support of Israeli Actions in Gaza appeared first on Tanyain Aja.

" ["wfw"]=> array(1) { ["commentrss"]=> string(115) "https://tanyain.my.id/blog/nicaragua-calls-on-icj-to-stop-germanys-alleged-support-of-israeli-actions-in-gaza/feed/" } ["slash"]=> array(1) { ["comments"]=> string(1) "0" } ["summary"]=> string(696) "

Nicaragua Calls on International Court of Justice to End Germany’s Support for Israeli Actions in Gaza Nicaragua has taken a bold step by bringing Germany to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for allegedly facilitating what it calls “genocide” against Palestinians in Gaza. The Central American nation accused Germany of providing military aid to Israel […]

The post Nicaragua Calls on ICJ to Stop Germany’s Alleged Support of Israeli Actions in Gaza appeared first on Tanyain Aja.

" ["date_timestamp"]=> int(1717837860) } [3]=> array(12) { ["title"]=> string(48) "Unleashing the Power: Tecno Spark 20 Pro+ Review" ["link"]=> string(74) "https://tanyain.my.id/blog/unleashing-the-power-tecno-spark-20-pro-review/" ["comments"]=> string(95) "https://tanyain.my.id/blog/unleashing-the-power-tecno-spark-20-pro-review/?noamp=mobile#respond" ["dc"]=> array(1) { ["creator"]=> string(8) "sayapada" } ["pubdate"]=> string(31) "Fri, 07 Jun 2024 11:32:00 +0000" ["category"]=> string(6) "Device" ["guid"]=> string(74) "https://tanyain.my.id/blog/unleashing-the-power-tecno-spark-20-pro-review/" ["description"]=> string(566) "

Overview The Tecno Spark 20 Pro+ is the latest offering from Tecno in the Spark 20 series, offering a premium smartphone experience at an affordable price point. With a sleek design and impressive features, the Spark 20 Pro+ stands out as a flagship-like device. Featuring a curved profile and a back panel covered with vegan […]

The post Unleashing the Power: Tecno Spark 20 Pro+ Review appeared first on Tanyain Aja.

" ["wfw"]=> array(1) { ["commentrss"]=> string(79) "https://tanyain.my.id/blog/unleashing-the-power-tecno-spark-20-pro-review/feed/" } ["slash"]=> array(1) { ["comments"]=> string(1) "0" } ["summary"]=> string(566) "

Overview The Tecno Spark 20 Pro+ is the latest offering from Tecno in the Spark 20 series, offering a premium smartphone experience at an affordable price point. With a sleek design and impressive features, the Spark 20 Pro+ stands out as a flagship-like device. Featuring a curved profile and a back panel covered with vegan […]

The post Unleashing the Power: Tecno Spark 20 Pro+ Review appeared first on Tanyain Aja.

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